
The St. Louis Area Foodbank is a busy place. There is a lot of work to be done in the effort to create a pathway to nutritional security for those in need in our community. We have so many exciting projects and new developments in the works to share. Our President & CEO, Meredith Knopp, takes a moment each month to highlight an important aspect of what we’re doing in the bi-state area. To see what we’ve been up to, check out the blog posts below.

Celebrating Black History

The St. Louis Area Foodbank is proud that our team is a team that not only embraces but encourages diversity! We are excited to celebrate Black History, not only during

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2022– The Year of Change

Happy New Year one and all!  It is funny – this year there seems to be more memes and gifs about 2022 than I can remember. However, instead of being

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Test Agency Post

Latte, spoon, coffee crema, fair trade java galão, and, black so, crema aromatic, at foam saucer, single shot saucer cultivar strong milk. Affogato skinny, sit, crema, froth extra café au

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‘Tis the ‘Season of Giving’

‘Tis the ‘Season of Giving’ at the St. Louis Area Foodbank and we are so excited to find new ways to celebrate all the holidays with our amazing neighbors this

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Seasons of Change

‘Tis the season when temperatures start getting cooler, fall activities and sports are in full swing, and trees explode with the most vibrant of colors. We just ended ‘Hunger Action

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Our Quest For A Hunger-Free Summer

Many of you tuned into #GiveSTL day this year and learned that on May 6th we kicked off our Hunger Free Summer initiative. With Hunger Free Summer, we’re aiming to

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