4 Easy Ways We Can Fight Summer Hunger

It may be summer break, but here at the St. Louis Foodbank, we know that hunger does not take a ‘break’ especially as we deal with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. While conditions may be improving, the need for support continues to remain high.

You have read past blogs and stories about “Summer Hunger” and how we see demand increase during the summer months due to students being out of school. It impacts tens of thousands of our children, our future community leaders, who are not receiving meals because they are on summer break.

Our mission to provide food and hope to families that are struggling to make ends meet continues this summer, as always.  We know that providing healthy and nutritious meals to kids and their families, not only nourishes their minds and bodies, but also allows families to utilize those funds to pay for housing, transportation, or medical bills.

This summer, our goal is to provide 9 million meals to families across the bi-state region and we need your help!  Here are 4 easy, family-friendly ways to get involved and make a difference:

  1. Host a Virtual Food Drive: Fight hunger anywhere FROM ANYWHERE! Gather your friends, co-workers, and family members and host a virtual food drive for our community.  It’s fun, safe, and can be done literally from anywhere!
  2. Donate Funds – For every $25 donation the St. Louis Area Foodbank can provide 100 meals to kiddos in our community. This is a great way to make an impact – and if your kiddos host a lemonade stand or other entrepreneurial event, we would love to share their kindness with others!
  3. Volunteer – If you are looking for a powerful way to spend some time this summer, making a difference in the lives of others, please sign up for a shift (or two) with us here at the Foodbank.
  4. Advocate – Get involved locally and let our elected officials know that we need to take care of our kiddos by supporting legislation such as ‘Hunger Free Summer for Kids’. Let our leaders know that no child should go hungry just because school is out.

Together, we can make summertime worry-free for everyone and ensure that children in the bi-state region will be ready to return to school healthy and ready to succeed this fall!


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