Search Results for: recipes


The St. Louis Area Foodbank recognizes the importance of nutritional security and health to personal, family, and community wellbeing. We want neighbors to have the information they need to make their own choices about their health and diet. Check out the links below for some amazing recipe ideas as well as some tips for nutritious cooking options. FOOD IS PERSONAL.

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Food Is Love

February is “love month” at our house. Every day I leave a note or message for my daughter to remind her how much she is loved. We also make it a point to try some new recipes. She loves to cook as much as I do, and food, along with the act of preparing a meal for family and friends,

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Our Vision: A Nutritionally Secure Missouri and Illinois

This year the St. Louis Area Foodbank unveiled our updated Strategic Plan, with a bold new vision: A nutritionally secure Missouri and Illinois. But what exactly does that mean – and how are we going to do this? Well – we are glad you asked as it will take all of us working together to realize this important and challenging

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Agency Access

Our partners are a valuable and important part of the work we do at the St. Louis Area Foodbank. We couldn’t do it without you. This page is dedicated to providing essential information and resources to our partner organizations and their members.  Order Online Submit MDR Vivery Login New Agency Inquiry TEFAP Reporting Partner Education Agency Partner Information Agency Desk

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National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month – an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics where they invite everyone to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits. At the St. Louis Area Foodbank, we are laser focused on sourcing healthy and nutritious foods to meet the diverse needs of our communities.

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Season(ings) Greetings from the St. Louis Area Foodbank

If “Variety is the spice of life” – then this season ought to be your favorite for sure!  I have always loved the month of December, because of the immense variety of smells that I invariably stumble upon.  Whether it is walking around my neighborhood or around different streets lined with stores, bakeries and restaurants the smells of the season

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A Stronger, Healthier Region

It’s March, and we are officially one year into the COVID-19 pandemic. Wow! That’s a sentence I never thought I would write. Rather than look back at the year that was, I feel it’s important to “Spring” forward and look ahead. After all, March is National Nutrition Month, and nutrition is a big part of our vision of creating a stronger,

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March 11 is National Dietitians Day!

The St. Louis Area Foodbank is lucky enough to have a dietitian on staff, Jenny Duez. Jenny has been with the Foodbank for three years as part of our Partner Agency Services team. We interviewed Jenny about what it’s like to be a dietitian and the work she does at the Foodbank and beyond. —  What does a dietitian do?

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Give the Gift of Food

When thinking about this time of year, I tend to reflect on the spirit of giving. I think about the joy on the face of a child when they see a present wrapped with a bow, the faces of loved ones who are grateful to just be together or the look of gratitude when a complete stranger is the recipient

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Summer Vegetables

We have some good tips for how to include vegetables in your diet inexpensively. Kelly Hall, our Registered Dietitian, explains the importance of eating different types and colors of vegetables. In our most recent video, she explains how the color of a vegetable can indicate which vitamins are in it. She also has some great tips to save you money

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