Give the Gift of Food

When thinking about this time of year, I tend to reflect on the spirit of giving. I think about the joy on the face of a child when they see a present wrapped with a bow, the faces of loved ones who are grateful to just be together or the look of gratitude when a complete stranger is the recipient of a random act of kindness.

Growing up, food was always something that I associated with family. Food brought people together and for my family that always seemed to take place at my grandparents’ house. My grandparents had seven boys, so my grandmother was cooking…a LOT! As their kids grew up, got married and had families of their own, the amount of food she would need to prepare for a holiday meal was inspiring.

I learned many things from my grandma about how to prepare a good meal, and her recipes remain in a treasured cookbook in my kitchen. However, more than the recipes, it was something she would often tell me that has stuck with me over the years. She said, “Cooking is a lot of work, but it is worth it to see the smiles on everyone’s faces. There is no greater joy than having everyone together and no greater thanks that I could receive than seeing my family smile.”

We want to provide as many smiles as possible this year. So we turn to you, our community, to help provide the gift of food (and thus smiles) to families across the bi-state region. My simple ask is that you please make a donation to the St. Louis Area Foodbank and help feed as many people as possible. It only takes a few minutes, but it means so much. Donate online at

Thank you for your generosity and from my family to yours, best wishes for a happy holiday season filled with family, food, and smiles.


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