Spoontember – Hunger Action Month 2015

 Hunger Action Month is a time to spread awareness about the issue of hunger.

You can join with Feeding America and the St. Louis Area Foodbank to spread the word by doing any number of small things to let your family and friends know where you stand on the issue of hunger in our region.

  • Start by liking the Foodbank and Feeding America on Facebook to stay up-to-date on the latest news in hunger.ThunderclapPromo_1_Twitter crop
  • Keep the social love coming by following the Foodbank on Twitter and Instagram at @stlfoodbank. Share information about hunger with your followers throughout the month of September and all year long. Don’t forget to post your spoon selfie!
  • Make your profile pictures orange. You can download these to use:

profile piccover photo

  •  Register to vote and become a hunger advocate.
  • Wear Orange on September 3rd and share a photo with us. Thursday, September 3rd is Hunger Action Day- a day to concentrate our efforts and really spread awareness. The Foodbank will be collecting photos of people all over St. Louis who are going orange!

Get more information about how the St. Louis Area Foodbank is going orange and what you can do to join the effort at https://stlfoodbank.org/portfolio/hunger-action-month/

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