Local Girl Celebrates Her 8th Birthday by Helping Others

For her 8th birthday on August 7, Caitlin Kemp didn’t want a trip to the toy store. She didn’t ask to spend her special day at a museum or amusement park.

In fact, Caitlin passed on all the things one would expect an 8-year-old to ask for.IMG_1261

But this curly-haired little girl had just one special request on her birthday. She wanted to spend the day helping people.

Her dad, Matt Kemp of Lake St. Louis, had recently volunteered at the St. Louis Area Foodbank with his students from Kirkwood High School.

When he told Caitlin about the experience, she asked if she could volunteer at the Foodbank on her birthday. Her dad was happy to oblige.

On Caitlin’s big day, she and her two brothers, Ethan and Jack, and her two cousins, Maddie and Lauren, spent the morning packing boxes of food for senior citizens in our community.

Caitlin stacked boxes of cereal in boxes with a beaming smile on her face. When they finished their shift, the whole family went out for a birthday lunch at the St. Louis Bread Company.

IMG_1274Caitlin also asked friends and relatives to give her money instead of gifts so she could buy food for families in need.

This wasn’t Caitlin’s first time helping others. She recently spent time volunteering at Five Acres Animal Shelter where she made toys for the dogs.

When asked about the things she most loves, Caitlin mentions dogs and playing soccer. But clearly, this inspiring young girl also loves helping people.

By Bethany Prange

St. Louis Area Foodbank Social Media Specialist




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