Jeans BeCause – The Daniel & Henry Co. Gives Back

Every month, The Daniel & Henry Co. makes a donation to one of our non-profit clients. In July, we chose the St. Louis Area Foodbank!IMG_1228

To encourage our employees and brokers to take part, we started the Jeans BeCause – Daniel and Henry Cares program.

When an employee makes a donation to the charity, they earn the chance to wear jeans to work once a month.

Don Hiemenz and Wes Mellow, the executives who nominated the Foodbank, matched the employee contributions dollar-for-dollar.

As a result, the total donation to the Foodbank was $1,500, the equivalent of 6,000 meals for families in need!

“The Daniel & Henry Co. is honored and privileged to be a partner with such an important and worthwhile organization,” Hiemenz said. “The St. Louis Area Foodbank is a vital member of the St. Louis community in their never-ending mission to not only feed the hungry, but educate the public in an effort to meet this most important and ever increasing need for food for all.”


By Don Hiemenz

Assistant Vice President

The Daniel & Henry Co.



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