Gratitude. Kindness. Selfless Service.

Gratitude. Kindness. Selfless Service. These are the words that come to my mind as I reflect on “Hunger Action Month” and all of the incredible people, companies, and groups that stepped up in September to help us provide food and hope to so many that are currently facing food insecurity. From traditional food drives and virtual food drives to volunteering at the Foodbank or at one of our mobile distributions to raising and donating funds from the last lemonade stands of the season, we are humbled and grateful for your support.

As we are now a week or so into October, the reality is that COVID is still very much present in our communities. Thousands of people are still out of work and even more continue to turn to the St Louis Area Foodbank and our incredible network of partners and agencies for food and for hope.

Our commitment is that we will be here – to serve, support, and empower communities, families, and individuals when you need us most. This is a bold commitment, especially in 2020, but our team is steadfast in our resolve. We will work to find solutions, resources, and opportunities to ensure that anyone who needs support from us will receive it with the dignity and respect that we all deserve.

For those that stepped up in September and before – we thank you. Our continued hope is that the generosity, kindness, and support we experienced will not end just because the calendar changed, and it is no longer “Hunger Action Month”. You have often heard us say that ‘hunger can affect anyone, but anyone can affect hunger.’ This is more than a tagline. It is a sincere understanding that we may all only be one significant life event away from having to ask for support in ways that we never imagined.

For those that are looking for ways to get involved, please look to our website to sign up as a volunteer (it is safe and we need you!), conduct a food drive (or virtual food drive), or to make a donation so we may utilize and stretch your dollars to purchase healthy and nutritious food for those with limited access.

We are confident in our ability to be there for whoever needs food from us, whenever they need it, because of our confidence in our community members to step up, lean in, lend a hand, and support our efforts to build a stronger, healthier bi-state region where no one goes to bed hungry. It has been said that helping one person might not change the world, but it could change the world for one person.

Thank you for helping us change the world, one person at a time.


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