Country Music, General Mills & Feeding America Join Forces to Outnumber Hunger


Are products like Cheerios, Pillsbury biscuits or Yoplait yogurt on your grocery list? If so, you have the opportunity to help feed families in need for free!
Yep, for FREE!

Buy Product + Enter Code = 5 Meals

Now, when you buy a specially-marked General Mills product, you’ll see an Outnumber Hunger code on the packaging.

Simply go to and enter the code to secure 65 cents for Feeding America food banks such as the St. Louis Area Foodbank. That’s enough for Feeding America to provide five meals!

On the website, you’ll also enter your zip code, which helps determine which Feeding America food bank receives that donation. Could it be any easier to make an impact?

Plus, entering codes isn’t the only way you can help!

Sam’s Club Food Drive = Helping Families

Sam's Cub LogoThrough March 24, local Sam’s Club stores will be hosting an in-store food drive. Buy an extra box of cereal or macaroni, and drop your donation in the box to help local families.

Text HUNGER + Zip Code to 3456 = 12 Meals

If that sounds challenging, you can help out just by texting the word HUNGER + your zip code to 3456. That simple act secures an additional 12 meals for your local food bank! You won’t be charged for the donation – the only cost to you is your cell plan’s standard data/text rates!

Last year, the Outnumber Hunger program donated more than $750,000 to Feeding America and its’ member food banks, including the St. Louis Area Foodbank.

This year, General Mills will donate up to $1.3 million to Feeding America through Outnumber Hunger. And this program has some famous backers! Big Machine Label Group country recording artists are lending their voices and support including:

Watch The Band Perry speak about the campaign below:


Bethany Prange
Bethany Prange is the communications coordinator at the St. Louis Area Foodbank.


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