Cheap Ideas for Entertaining the Kids


Earlier this summer, I surprised my six-year-old with a cool idea I discovered on the St. Louis Area Foodbank’s Pinterest page.

When he woke up on a particularly hot morning, I told him that somehow, overnight, Darth Vader had snuck into our house and used a freeze ray on Hans Solo and all the other Star Wars good guys.

Our son, who is a huge Star Wars fan, was super excited – and a little mad at Darth Vader – when I showed him that all his Jedi knights were frozen in blocks of ice in our freezer.

He spent several hours that afternoon playing barefoot in the backyard. He had to “rescue” his good guys by shooting the ice blocks with water. It was a fun and cool activity for a hot summer day.

If your kids are bored on these hot summer days, give this a try! Here at the Foodbank, we know how hard it is to keep the kiddos entertained when you’re on a tight budget. But all kids deserve a fun summer!

So try out one of the many free and cheap ideas on our For the Kids page on Pinterest!


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