We Need Your Voice!

CNR_Facebook_ImageThe current Child Nutrition Reauthorization expires on September 30 and we need to make sure Congress knows that passing a strong child nutrition bill that strengthens programs and reaches more kids must be a priority.

You can help by participating in our national call in day on Tuesday, September 15, and joining thousands of supporters from across the country to urge Congress to pass a strong child nutrition bill and ensure no child in America goes hungry.

Let’s show Congress that it’s time to end child hunger in America. 

 Calling Congress is easy. Here’s how:

  1. Dial our toll free number, (888) 398-8702, listen to the pre-recorded message and enter your zip code when prompted.
  2. Once you are connected to your first Member of Congress, state that you are a constituent, and give your name and the town you are calling from. (Please note the separate messages below).
  3. Senators – deliver this important message:
    As your constituent and supporter of the St. Louis Area Foodbank, please co-sponsor the Hunger Free Summer for Kids Act (S. 1966) and the Summer Meals Act (S. 613).
  4. Representative – deliver this important message: As your constituent and supporter of the St. Louis Area Foodbank,  I would like to see Congress pass a child nutrition bill that includes these three priorities. Streamline regulations for summer and after school meals. A summer EBT program to help families when school is out. A non-congregate meal option so program operators like food banks can reach kids who can’t access summer meal sites.
  5.  Be sure to dial back in and speak with your senator and your representative. Please note: Senator Blunt (MO) and Senator Kirk (IL) are already co-sponsoring this legislation. 

Double your impact in the Senate by sending an email


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