Volunteer Appreciation Week 2020

It’s National Volunteer Appreciation Week– a time when organizations across the nation take time to celebrate their volunteers, often with their volunteers, as volunteers are such an integral part of an organization’s ability to accomplish their mission.

This year, the power and perseverance of the volunteers that raise their hands and come out to Volunteer with the St. Louis Area Foodbank has reached new heights. We are humbled and honored to have such a dedicated crew with hearts that know no boundaries – well, except staying 6 feet apart due to social distancing!  😊  

In “normal years” we would normally have groups of businesses and schools in our Volunteer Center – numbering 50 – 75 per shift.  The sounds of laughter, chatter and music would ring throughout the volunteer center as these teams come together to make a difference in the lives of the nearly half a million people who struggle with food insecurity across the bi-state region.  

Today – we have a different situation.  There are no groups.  There are no kiddos. The sounds of chatter and laughter are not as loud – but the good news is –THEY ARE STILL HERE!  Every day, healthy men, women and children are coming out to the St Louis Area Foodbank because they know we need them – and they have a desire to serve and support our community now more than ever.   

We could never express with words our gratitude to these amazing men and women.  People like Emily, pictured here, who has been coming to the Foodbank with her 3 daughters for 4 hours a day, 5 days a week for the past MONTH!  These are the (albeit masked!) faces of our hunger heroes – and we salute you for all that you do. 

We salute ALL of the men and women volunteering in communities all across our network: the people working at our partner food pantries, distributing food at our mobile markets and our new partners that have stepped up during this unprecedented time. These volunteers are providing food and hope to so many who are struggling to put food on the table, many for the first time, due to decreased hours available at their place of employment, or losing their jobs altogether.  While fears are strong, our courage and commitment to one another is stronger – which is why we know that we WILL get through this together!  

This year, during Volunteer Appreciation Week – we want to acknowledge ALL of our volunteer heroes that make it possible for the St. Louis Area Foodbank to provide food and hope across our region. We absolutely could not do this without you – and to be honest, we wouldn’t WANT to do this without you!  Your joy – your energy – your compassion and your kindness epitomizes all that is GOOD and what truly matters.  It is what gives us hope for brighter days to come.




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