Helping Ferguson

The St. Louis Area Foodbank has served the St. Louis community for nearly 40 years and will continue to do so as long as there is a need for food assistance.


Immediate Response to Ferguson

On Saturday, the St. Louis Area Foodbank partnered with the United Way of the Greater St. Louis to deliver 5,000 pounds of food to the Dellwood Community Center to help feed people in need in the Ferguson community.

This food was product the Foodbank had previously collected in food drives and is not associated with the “Feed the Students of Ferguson” campaign.


“Feed the Students of Ferguson” Fundly Campaign

At this time, the St. Louis Area Foodbank is the planned recipient of the money raised by the “Feed the Students of Ferguson” campaign.

The campaign, created by North Carolina school teacher Julianna Mendelsohn, has raised more than $80,000 so far. The campaign will end Thursday.

The outpouring of support from across the country has been overwhelming. The funds donated through the “Feed the Students of Ferguson” campaign have been earmarked for the Ferguson community, where children in need will continue to struggle with hunger long after the news cameras leave.

Have you received the funds from the Feed the Students of Ferguson campaign?

We had not yet received the funds as of noon today, August 20, 2014. After a discussion with the management of Fundly, we agreed that the funds raised would be transferred to the St. Louis Area Foodbank starting Thursday, August 21, 2014.

What will you do with the money?

Our goal is to provide a sustainable, long-term hunger relief program for the children of the Ferguson community. We have five partner food pantries in and around Ferguson who have been providing food to families in the community during this difficult time. These pantries serve the Ferguson community year-round, a hunger relief mission that the Foodbank will continue to support in any way we can.

As we look to the future, the Foodbank will implement a specific long-term plan for feeding children in need in Ferguson and provide a full financial accounting on the use of the campaign funds donated.

How long does the campaign run?

At this time, we plan to stop taking donations via the Fundly campaign, Feed the Students of Ferguson, on Thursday, August 21, 2014.


Future Recovery Efforts

The recovery effort in Ferguson will take time and the combined efforts of organizations and individuals in the St. Louis region. Our goal is to provide a steady supply of food to those in need in the Ferguson community for months to come.


How to Help

Anyone interested in supporting the St. Louis Area Foodbank’s efforts to feed hungry people can make a donation through the “Feed the Students of Ferguson” campaign or make a donation at and put “Ferguson” in the comments section.

For those looking for other ways to help the people of Ferguson please contact the United Way of Greater St. Louis.

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