Action Alert: Tell Congress to Pass Charitable Tax Incentives


The House Ways and Means Committee will mark up today a bill that would expand and make permanent three expiring charitable tax incentives, including our food donation tax deduction.  H.R. 644 was introduced Monday by Representative Tom Reed (R-NY) and is expected to move to the floor for a vote the week of February 9.

The same bill failed to pass the House under an expedited process called Suspension of the Rules last December by only a handful of votes. This time House Republicans are planning to bring up the charitable tax bills along with several other tax bills to highlight “Tax Certainty Week.”

This is an important legislative priority, and we urge you all to email or call your Representative this week to urge them to support its passage.

Just dial our toll free number, (888) 398-8702, listen to the pre-recorded message and enter your zip code when prompted. Connect to your Representative, state that you are a constituent, and give your name and the food bank you are calling from. Let them know you are calling about the charitable tax legislation and deliver this important message:

As your constituent and supporter of the St. Louis Area Foodbank, I am calling you today to ask you to vote for H.R. 644, charitable giving tax incentives.  This legislation is critical to ensuring our food bank has the food and the funds needed to continue supporting those in need in our community.

As always thank you for your support. If you have any questions please email Michelle Knight, Advocacy Coordinator,




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