Action Alert: Food Donation Tax Deduction


This week Congress plans to pass a one year extension of all expired tax extenders, but the extenders would only renew the charitable giving incentives for three weeks before they expire again.

Yesterday, a stand alone bill (HR 5806), was introduced and is likely to head to the floor for a vote. We need to make one last push if we hope to see this over the finish line. We are so close.

Help us make one last strong effort by making phone calls to your representative and both your senators. Every call and every vote counts!

Calling Congress is easy.  Here’s how:

  1. Just dial our toll free number, (888) 398-8702, listen to the pre-recorded message and enter your zip code when prompted.
  2. Connect to your Representative first, state that you are a constituent, and give your name and the name of the St. Louis Area Foodbank.
  3. Let them know you are calling about food donation and charitable giving tax legislation and deliver this important message:

As your constituent and supporter of The St. Louis Area Foodbank, I am calling you today to ask you to pass the new legislation for charitable tax extenders (HR 5806) as a stand-alone bill before Congress adjourns for the year. This legislation would help ensure our food bank has the food and the funds needed to continue supporting those in need in our community.

  1.   Be sure to dial back in and speak with both of your senators and your representative.

Thank you for your support.


Michelle Knight, Advocacy and Communications Coordinator

St. Louis Area Foodbank

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