Our Volunteer Family

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” Martin Luther King Jr.

Volunteer appreciation week is this month (April 18-24), and I can’t help but remember this time last year. The St. Louis Area Foodbank faced a daunting question when businesses, community groups, schools, and teams were not allowed to come out as they had traditionally done – how would we meet the needs of our community without volunteers? The answer was humbling.

Simply put, this community stepped up. When the pandemic limited access to food and resources in our region, volunteers answered the call we never thought we would make. People came as they were, put on a mask and gloves, and took the extra time to learn new requirements to keep us all safe. Just as they had done year after year, people from communities on both sides of the river traveled to Bridgeton. They showed up as individuals left as part of a new team, our Foodbank family.

Volunteers make our mission possible. 

The work done in our Volunteer Center would take 21 full-time employees to complete. Teams of 10 people serving for 2-hour shifts four times a day keep up with the demand traditionally fulfilled by much larger groups.

To our volunteers, the energy you bring to this work is inspiring. You humble us daily.

Volunteers are part of the Foodbank family.

Despite personal struggles and challenges, volunteers continue to help us serve this bi-state region. Over 100 individuals show up every day to make a difference in the lives of so many others.

Our volunteers are incredibly generous people who are part of something that truly matters. We will forever embrace you as part of our extended family.

Cheers to our volunteers! 

The St. Louis Area Foodbank cannot fight hunger and feed hope without the dedicated help of amazing volunteers. Volunteers make it possible to do this work. They give me so much hope for the future.

To our volunteers, I look forward to serving with you soon. Thank you for the time you so generously give to help us ensure no one in this bi-state region goes to bed hungry.

If you are interested in becoming part of the fantastic Foodbank family click here.


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