Whether its a food fair, a mobile market distribution, or our Food on the Move program, the St. Louis Area Foodbank swiftly deliver fresh and nutritious food directly to clients living in areas with limited access to fresh foods.

For information about upcoming Mobile Market dates and locations, click here.

Pop-up Food Fairs

Pop-Up Food Fairs are held in areas where people in need have limited options for food assistance.

Each month we identify four zip codes that are in need of more food based on the following criteria:

In one afternoon, we give out approximately 18-25,000 pounds of food and toiletry items directly to these families.

Our Programs team attends and manages these events with the help of our partner agencies and volunteers.

We work with a partner agency in that community to identify 200 families who are the most in need. These families receive Food Fair vouchers. Food and household products are distributed through two types of models: Drive-through and Walk-through.

Drive-Through model

Individuals and families drive through a distribution line and volunteers place items in their car.

Walk-Through model

Individuals walk through a distribution line and volunteers assist individuals receiving items in carts, wagons, or other walking carriers.


Food On The Move is a walk-through, shopping-style food distribution program for individuals living in areas of Illinois and Missouri with limited access to healthy food and resources. At these distributions, neighbors can walk through the 28-foot trailer and choose the foods they need. Verification of personal information is not required to participate. The goal is to increase access by eliminating transportation barriers on a more regular basis. We also hope to minimize food waste by allowing people to choose quantities and products that fit their needs.

Over the last two years, this initiative has had tremendous success bringing support to communities lacking adequate access or transportation to food outlets and grocery stores. We began with one trailer currently servicing 12 monthly distribution sites.

Thanks to the contributions of Bunge and Enterprise Holdings Foundation, the St. Louis Area Foodbank is doubling the size and impact of our Food on the Move (FOTM) program! Starting this July, FOTM will expand to two brand new, custom-built, 36-foot trailers enabling us to reach 28 locations.

These new trailers will provide neighbors with the same, comfortable, walk-through space they are accustomed to, but also offer twice the storage capacity from 3,000 lbs to 6,000 lbs of food for each distribution event! This increase will allow the St. Louis Area Foodbank to provide an additional 2,400 meals to each location we visit!

For more information on this program, click here.

Volunteers (including drivers) are needed for this program. Visit Volunteer Hub and search by county for Food on the Move volunteer opportunities.

Feeding America Map the Meal Gap data designates zip codes for this program considering the following criteria:

• food insecurity rate of 30% or greater
• poverty level of 30% or greater
• unemployment of 15% or greater
• limited food access points and resources in the area

Funded in part by:


At Mobile Markets, we deliver food on a monthly basis to partner agencies and program partners. Partner agencies and program partners, along with volunteers, quickly give out food to families in need. Every distribution is unique and can be set up differently depending on the needs and location of our partners.

We make almost 80 Mobile Market deliveries each month. Criteria for identifying Mobile Markets are as follows:

Agencies in both rural and urban locations benefit from the Mobile Market program. Markets can coincide with an agency’s scheduled open hours or serve as an added resource.