What Scouting for Food Means

Scouting for Food is the St. Louis Area Foodbank’s largest one-day food drive.

Each year, over 30,000 Boy Scouts, parents, and volunteers collect food from all parts of the St. Louis area.

For hundreds of area households, Scouting for Food simply means placing a food donation on their porch one Saturday in November.

For the Boy Scouts and volunteers, Scouting for Food means picking up and sorting those donations all over St. Louis, so they can be brought to the Foodbank.

For the St. Louis Area Foodbank, Scouting for Food means our largest one-day food drive. It means over 2 million items to be distributed to our neighbors in need. It means a full warehouse of food to send to our partner pantries and soup kitchens. Scouting for Food is a one-day event that shows us just how impactful community support can be.

Here’s what the one-day food drive looks like at the St. Louis Area Foodbank:

Last year we distributed over 520,000 meals to our neighbors in need thanks to the communities donations for Scouting for Food.
Thank you for your support in the past years. We hope you’ll be able to participate on November 19th by placing your donation on your front porch to be collected.


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