Welcome to the St. Louis Area Foodbank Blog

I can’t say I’ve ever done much blogging, or ever even given it much thought. But it occurred to me recently that a blog can be a great way to share our organization’s story. And stories we have.

Five days a week, volunteers fill our Volunteer Center, each with their own unique perspective on fighting hunger in our community. At more than 500 partner agencies across 26 counties, staff and volunteers endure the triumphs and struggles of handing out food to those in need. And in the homes of 57,100 individuals each week, families rely on that food to survive.

All of these people have stories to tell. This blog is the place to share them – a window into our Foodbank and the work we do here every day. From serious posts about legislation affecting hunger in the U.S., to funny videos of our staff, we will endeavor to entertain and educate you at the same time.

I hope you will come back here each week to read, engage and learn. We welcome your opinions and ideas, and hope you will tell us what you enjoy and what you don’t about this blog.

Thanks for reading,


     Frank Finnegan is the President & CEO of the St. Louis Area Foodbank


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