Hunger Doesn’t Take a Time Out!

Hunger Doesn’t Take a Timeout!
Meredith Knopp

It’s Superbowl time – and another time of year when friends and family gather to watch the “big game”, or maybe just the commercials, around lots of wonderful, hearty foods. From meatballs to dips, huge charcuterie boards or chicken wings – there will be no shortage of calories on display come February 11th.

However, we also know this can be a time to really look at hunger across the bi-state region, and how we can all lean in and be an MVP for someone facing food insecurity.

We talk a lot about the definitions of food insecurity, but sometimes a clinical definition may not be the most relatable – so in a week where scores and numbers will determine a champion – I wanted to take a moment to talk about the number of meals that it means when someone is food insecure. Did you know that someone who is food insecure misses, on average, 177 meals a year? This equates to 8 meals a week. Take a moment to think about that. Think about that if you are a child. Not having something to eat 8 times a week can truly and significantly impact a child’s ability to learn, grow, and develop, especially in their early years.

This year we are teaming up with our friends and partners at KMOV from February 5th -11th to help raise awareness on the real statistics of food insecurity – and how you can be an MVP by donating $58 to the St Louis Area Foodbank, to commemorate Superbowl LVIII, and provide food to a child that is food insecure for 2 weeks through our Food on the Move program. 

This is a real call to action – a real need – and will generate real impact. This is an opportunity for you to join us, and be a champion for kiddos in need right here in our community.

Be an MVP before the big game. For just $58, you can provide two weeks of healthy foods to a local child facing hunger. Make your donation today by visiting the St. Louis Area Foodbank online at – and help us today, because Hunger doesn’t take a time out.



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