Thanks for Your Support on Give STL Day

Whether you donated or helped spread the word about our cause, you played an important role in helping us exceed our goal this year.

Last year, we received more than $8,300 in donations. This year we set our sights on raising $10,000 in 24 hours. We can provide four meals with every dollar donated and we thought providing 40,000 meals almost 40 years to the day that we first became incorporated as an organization would be a perfect way to celebrate our anniversary.

When it was all said and done, we received $12,415 in donations from 194 donors. With this money, we can feed almost 50,000 hungry people in our community!

We were truly delighted to watch the incredible support for the St. Louis nonprofit community on Tuesday. More than $2 million was committed to nonprofits all across the bi-state region. It is so encouraging to see the generosity of our community.


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