Nourishing the Soul

Nourishing the Soul

Since March, the number of people coming to the dozens of Mobile Markets being held each week across the region has not dwindled. In many instances, people begin lining up in their cars or sometimes on foot, patiently waiting, two to three hours before the Mobile Market is slated to start. 

While the volunteers placed the boxes of food, this time filled with a variety of produce and dairy in the trunk of a car at a recent, crowded Reach Church Mobile Market in St. Ann, a barely audible “thank you” was whispered by a blonde-haired woman in her 30s from the passenger seat. She then leaned out a little further and, with a wavering catch in her voice, again said “thank you.” 

The heart tugged upon hearing those words spoken amid the tears welling up in her big brown eyes and the tightening of her throat. It’s what volunteers and organizers hear dozens, if not hundreds, of times at each Mobile Market as they place another box or two of food in someone’s trunk, foldable rolling cart, or sometimes their arms. You ache to give out hugs. But you can’t. What you can do is offer a kind word or two back with smiling eyes before the next person rolls up to receive their allotment. 

“We’re here for you.” 

“We love you.”

“You’re welcome.”

These phrases are most frequently spoken by those providing and volunteering at the Mobile Markets across our region. The human, physically distanced, interaction is quite often brief but it’s there and it can be just as important as the food being given. 

Food is Available 

“Please come” is another phrase often spoken by Mobile Market organizers. No one should feel ashamed about coming to a Mobile Market to receive food. Everyone needs help at some point. This pandemic has affected millions of people across the country, and billions across the globe, through no fault of their own. If you need help, the food is here for you and that’s what it’s for. 

Food is available. And the Foodbank is delivering. We’re delivering more food more often than we ever have in our 45-year history. And we have no plans to stop. Behind the scenes, Foodbank staff are busily securing grants and working with partners to ensure the flow of food coming in and out of our warehouse is not disrupted. 

We love you. We’re here for you. You are not alone. Please come. 

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