Sending Our Love!

February is a busy month! You’ve got the Super Bowl, Groundhog Day, Presidents Day and, of course, a day devoted to love – Valentine’s Day.

For 45 years, the St. Louis Area Foodbank has felt the love from our donors, volunteers, and community partners.

This February I’m reciprocating that love and sending a simple, yet heartfelt, THANK YOU to everyone that helps our team at the St. Louis Area Foodbank. With your support, we have provided hundreds of millions of meals for our neighbors in need since opening our doors in 1975.

It is an honor to be a part of such an incredible team that provides food and vital resources to individuals and families. With your continued support, the next 45 years will be an amazing journey as we work to develop solutions that increase access to nutritious food and significantly reduce the number of people going hungry in the bi-state region.

Together, we’re building stronger communities by empowering people with food and hope.

Cheers to you and all that you do! We ♥ you!

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