It’s Like The Human Fund, Only Real


Have you seen that one Seinfeld where George Costanza tells everyone he made a holiday donation in their name to The Human Fund?

If you haven’t seen it, check it out:

Of course, the deceitful trick pulled by Costanza comes back to haunt him later in the episode when his boss, Mr. Krugar, finds out The Human Fund doesn’t exist.

For those of you familiar with that infamous “Festivus” episode, I’m sure you know it’s good for some laughs.

But in reality, there are some great ways to make holiday honor donations to very worthy – and very real -causes.

This year, if you decide to forgo buying your dad yet another Christmas tie, or buying your business partner his umpteenth set of golf balls, consider making a charitable donation in their honor.

The feel-good factor of making a donation to hunger relief in our region can be far more valuable than even the coolest golf accessories.

Here’s how it works:

• In lieu of gifts, simply make a tax-deductible donation to St. Louis Area Foodbank in the name of those you wish to honor.

• For a minimum gift of $15 per letter, we will mail an acknowledgement of your gift to your list of designated honorees.

• The letter will be sent on Foodbank holiday stationary, personalized to include your company’s name and signed by our CEO.

In many professions — advertising, law, wealth management and healthcare to name just a few — a list of clients and business associates can exceed 50 to 100 names.

So how do you wish everyone a happy holiday? Sometimes, this massive gift giving can be labor-intensive and very exhausting.

Still, acknowledging clients, colleagues, vendors and associates around the holidays has become a best practice in business. It’s a way to build and strengthen relationships.

But who needs another paperweight or gift basket of jellies?

Our Holiday Honor Letter Program can be an effective solution to the gift-giving dilemma. It has four main benefits:

1. This type of gift, as opposed to others, is tax-deductible.
2. For the busy professional, this one-stop shop saves a remarkable amount of time.
3. This gift generates good public relations.
4. Lastly, your charitable donation makes a positive difference in the community. Every dollar donated yields four meals for people in need of food assistance.

Kathy Braswell with Cataract & Eye Disease Specialists Inc. summed up it perfectly:

“Every holiday season most offices receive lots of homemade goodie baskets or plants. Instead of doing the same, we decided several years ago that holiday honor letters are a wonderful way to show appreciation for the referrals we receive, while doing something good for the community.”

So, if you are looking for a way to acknowledge your professional and personal networks this upcoming holiday season, please contact Patrick Delhougne and we can start working on your gift today!

    Patrick Delhougne is a development associate at the St. Louis Area Foodbank



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