It Takes a Village


Volunteers from Standing Partnership repackage donated product in the Foodbank’s Volunteer Center / Photo by Bethany Prange

They say it takes a village, and here at the St. Louis Area Foodbank, we know that is true.

Sure, we have full-time staff who helps bring in food donations and make sure it goes out to those who need it most.

But without the volunteers who so generously give us their time, we couldn’t provide as many meals to families in need.

In 2012, more than 16,000 volunteers dedicated their free time to helping feed families in need. That’s not even including those who volunteered their time to holding food drives and fundraisers! These are the volunteers sorted, repackaged and boxed up thousands of pounds of food here at the Foodbank.

Our volunteers make such an impact that they are the equivalent of 21 additional full-time employees!

Each month, volunteers of all ages devote 3,669 hours to the Foodbank. We couldn’t be more grateful.

Check out some videos of our volunteers and a great picture slideshow.
Thank you, one and all, for your commitment to helping those in need.


Bethany Prange is the communications coordinator at the St. Louis Area Foodbank

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