Independence Day!

Happy Birthday America

The folks at the St. Louis Area Foodbank are a lot of things…

We’re mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. We’re loyal St. Louisans and Cardinals baseball fans (most of us anyway).

We’re also patriotic Americans, and not just on the Fourth of July.

So how do we bleed red, white and blue year-round?

For starters, we try to work with and support organizations that provide services to our U.S. military veterans.  Here’s how:

  • In September 2012, the Foodbank distributed more than 28,000 pounds of fresh produce, canned goods and personal care items to 200 veterans and their families at the Stand Down for Veterans event at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Marion, Ill.
  • In September 2013, the Foodbank will once again distribute these items at the Marion Stand Down event.
  • At three separate events – held April 28, 2012, November 3, 2012, and April 20, 2013 – the Foodbank distributed more than 15,000 pounds of personal care items, canned goods and easy-to-open foods to veterans in need at the Soldier’s Memorial in St. Louis. More than 300 veterans were served at each event! Check out the photos on Facebook »
  • At upcoming Stand Down for Veterans events in our region, we have added wool blankets to the products we will give out to veterans!

In addition to the Stand Down events, the Foodbank also partners with various veterans organizations, including Operation Homefront, to distribute food and furniture to veterans and their families.

Through our Transitional Housing program, we provide a one-month supply of food and household supplies to individuals – including veterans – moving from the street or a shelter to a permanent home.

We are proud to help those who have served our country.  Tomorrow, Foodbank staff will honor those veterans and show our American pride by participating in the 33rd annual July 4 parade in Bridgeton!

The theme this year is St. Louis traditions – and for Foodbank staff, creating a better community for all Americans IS our tradition!

Join us tomorrow at this family-friendly event to celebrate! The parade begins at 10 a.m. Thursday July 4, 2013, at the corner of Lockport and Benedetta. The parade will proceed on Benedetta to Tideland, then turn on Majella then left on Natural Bridge, ending at the Target/Machinist Hall parking lot.

If you’re one of the millions of American traveling over the holiday weekend, please check out these safe travel tips from Affton Patch and

Have a happy and safe Independence Day!

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