Got Milk? Help Those Who Don’t

While we may live in the land of plenty, more than one in five children in America does not know where their next meal will come from.


This “food insecurity” often goes hand-in-hand with childhood obesity. Disrupted meal patterns, stressful home situations, and an overall lack of access to nutritious foods contribute to both epidemics.

When kids aren’t well-nourished, they are much more likely to experience health and developmental issues, and struggle with poor academic performance and behavioral problems.

Fresh milk is like nature’s multivitamin, providing nine essential nutrients -such as calcium and protein – that kids need to grow healthy and strong.

Milk is also one of the most requested items at Feeding America’s food banks. Unfortunately, it is also one of the least available.

Food drive participants and food manufacturers/distributers don’t typically donate milk because it is perishable and requires refrigeration.

Because of this, the 37 million people who rely on Feeding America for food assistance receive the equivalent of less than one gallon of milk per person per year.

Since current guidelines recommend consuming three servings of milk a day, these families in need are just not getting enough!

A milk gap leads to a nutrient gap, which puts our nation’s food insecure families at a great disadvantage.

The good news is: WE CAN HELP!

In partnership with Feeding America, dairy farmers and milk processors nationwide have organized the Great American Milk Drive – the first program to deliver gallons of fresh milk to the struggling families who need it most.

With a simple text or click of your mouse, you can help provide nutrient-rich milk to the families in your community who receive food through Feeding America food banks, such as the St. Louis Area Foodbank.

Every dollar donated will go toward purchasing and delivering fresh milk to hungry families.

Your small donation can make a big impact!

Although you can participate at any time, every donation made between now and May 25, 2014 will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Make your contribution go further by participating in the Gallon-for-Gallon Match program today! Visit to make your donation and learn more.

We thank you in advance for joining Midwest Dairy Council and Feeding America in the Great American Milk Drive. Spread the word, and help us feed our nation with the essential nutrients milk provides.

About Our Guest Blogger

Laura Frese is a Health and Wellness Program Manager for the Midwest Dairy Council, where she serves as a liaison to health professionals throughout Missouri, and conducts television, print and radio interviews in the St. Louis market. As a registered and licensed dietitian, Laura provides accurate, scientific and practical information on the benefits of dairy nutrition, as well as promoting programs such as Fuel Up to Play 60. Laura holds a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics from Saint Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. She completed her dietetic internship at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. Laura is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Missouri Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and the St. Louis Dietetic Association.


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