Glosemeyer Farm Corn Donation

11061194_10153116021533892_4491129747804463196_nOn Monday, July 13, the St. Louis Area Foodbank worked with the Missouri Corn Growers Association (MCGA) for the third time since 2010 to harvest 7,210 lbs. of corn. The corn was then donated to Loving Hearts in Washington, MO, a partner agency of the Foodbank.

In 2010 the donation was 4,708 lbs. followed by 4,386 lbs. in 2014. This year was the largest donation yet—7,210 lbs. of fresh, sweet corn!

The corn was grown and donated in 2014 and 2015 by Glosemeyer Farm in Marthasville, MO, through their partnership with MCGA.

Missouri Corn Growers Association

MCGA is a grassroots organization of farmer-members who have been working to increase the profitability of corn production through partnerships and education since 1978.

We wanted to take the time to thank MCGA and Glosemeyer Farms for partnering with us this year to provide fresh produce to the community.


If corn is starting to sound really good, try out this tasty side dish recipe:

Sheri’s Cold Cornbread Casserole


  • 1 pan of cornbread
  • 2-3 cups corn, cooked or canned
  • 2 cans red beans
  • 3 cups of chopped vegetables (cauliflower, green peppers, tomatoes, whatever you prefer)
  • 3 cups ranch dressing


  • Crumble cornbread in the bottom of a dish
  • Cover the cornbread with corn and red beans
  • Add the chopped vegetables
  • Coat the top with ranch dressing
  • Toss together, serve cold

Last year, our distribution manager, wrote a blog about the Glosemeyer donation.

Read it here >> Picking Sweet Corn for Families in Need


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