Generosity is fashionable in St. Louis

The first Wine, Women & Shoes to benefit the St. Louis Area Foodbank was a smashing success!

Thank you to everyone who spent the evening helping to feed families in need. You make our mission possible and we couldn’t do it without you!


See more pictures on our Facebook page…

In all, we sold 346 tickets to the event! All those guests – plus our bevy of volunteers from Monsanto and Best Buy – spent a wonderful evening at the Ritz-Carlton where they sipped fabulous wines and shopped the latest fashions.

The totals are still coming in, but so far, it looks like we will have surpassed our first-year goal in fundraising! At the Foodbank, 97 cents of every dollar donated goes to hunger relief. So just imagine how many people we can feed with the profits from this great event!

What’s better than having a good time for a good cause!

If you were there, look for your pics on our Facebook page and tag yourself! If you weren’t there, be prepared to want to be at WWS next year!

Check out our photo album of the night on Facebook >

Special thanks to our sponsors: Monsanto Co., Boeing, Husch-Blackwell, Bryan Cave LLP, ConAgra Foods, Charter Business and the Ladue News. We’d also like to thank our volunteers, the Shoe Guys, Vin de Set, our vintner partners and our fashion partners!

Bethany Prange
Bethany Prange is the communications coordinator at the St. Louis Area Foodbank.




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