Frank’s Farewell Letter

Our President and CEO, Frank Finnegan, has written many letters for our newsletter. His most recent letter was written for our December newsletter, and he shared a pretty big announcement for the Foodbank community.

In the spring of 1980 I was interviewing for a position with a social service agency in Phoenix, Arizona, trying to convince the woman on the other side of the table that I was the best candidate.

I must have said something right because I got the job, but I don’t remember much about the actual interview other than being mesmerized by the woman sitting across the table.

Over the years I’ve used this space to write about the milestones of my life: my daughter growing up, my father playing baseball, and Sunday night family dinners. I’ve told stories of my annual visits to Kansas and of my wife’s grandparents who homesteaded a farm and lived through the dust bowl. I have enjoyed the great privilege of sharing my work and life with you, and now as I look forward to new and exciting chapters still ahead, I have just one final milestone to share with you here.

I have announced to the Foodbank’s Board of Directors that I am retiring, telling them that leading this organization has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I have been blessed in so many ways, among them spending my working years doing something I believe makes a real difference while working alongside talented people I respect and admire.

There are too many individuals to thank in this space, but I’d like to at least recognize some collectively: our staff members, already recognized by their leadership within the national food bank network for continually striving to improve; the Board of Directors for their guidance, counsel and commitment – being able to discuss the changing dynamics of the organization with the members of the Board all while learning from their experience and trusting in their support, is a gift I truly treasure; and of course, our volunteers and donors, the lifeblood that allows us to do the work that remains so important for people in need.

Last but never least, I want to thank the woman on the other side of table – my wife, Judy. She hired me in 1980, believed in me, and eventually agreed to travel through life by my side, making it richer and more fulfilling than I ever imagined that day so many years ago. As I have for the last 36 years, I’ll continue to share my story and my life with a woman I still find completely mesmerizing.

I’m also confident that the next person to lead the Foodbank will take the organization to heights I haven’t yet imagined.

As always, thanks for your support and trust.
– Frank

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