Food Fair Volunteer Experience

The cold weather at last month’s Food Fair in Sullivan, MO, couldn’t keep volunteers from helping us feed families.

Todd came out with his father-in-law and helped sort and distribute thousands of pounds to their neighbors in need.  Below, he describes how he learned about the opportunity and about his experience in his community. Thanks, Todd, for giving back with us!

“I first learned about the Food Fair a couple of years ago, when I became a board member of Meramec Community Mission. I’ve always wanted to participate and help distribute the food. I know many of our clients personally, and realize many of them can really use this extra distribution. The day of delivery  was very windy & cold but the spirits were warm. All the volunteers were happy to help and It did not seem like work at all. It was a blessing  that we could be there for others in our community that are less fortunate.

Todd (left) and his father-in-law at the Sullivan, MO Food Fair last month.


I can’t say that I ever experienced hunger, but I grew up very modestly. As I child, my brothers and sisters remember receiving pajamas every year from our Grandparents. We were never excited about that rectangle box, but as the years have passed it has become a cherished memory because of the love that wrapped that present. The gift of pajamas really helped my parents provide for our winter needs.”

If you’d like to volunteer your time, visit our website to find opportunities!


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