Expect Great Things Ahead in Fiscal Year 2024!

Expect Great Things Ahead!
Meredith Knopp

The start of July marks the beginning of a new Fiscal Year here at the St. Louis Area Foodbank! This means putting a “bow” on everything that happened in the past year, like shoring up reports, inventory, and conducting our annual audit – to now “ramping up” for the year that lies ahead – strategic planning discussions, creating our budget and determining what we will prioritize as a team as we look forward. The start of this new fiscal year brings a healthy mix of both optimism and realism.

We are excited to announce that the first workday of the new fiscal year launched the first of two of our new Food on the Move trailers! Due to the generous financial support of two local companies, these new and even larger trailers allow us to increase our distribution footprint. Initiatives like this and others represent a significant investment in our work, and a commitment from leaders in our community to support our work, and our commitment to equitable access to healthy and nutritious foods for all of our neighbors across the 26 counties that we serve. You can learn more about this program, and our expansion plans by clicking here (then scroll down to the section on Food on the Move).

We also continue to welcome new team members to the St. Louis Area Foodbank, and are excited to have their experience, energy, and perspective as we look ahead to the future. From renewing partnerships with key partners, new partnerships (that we can’t announce yet), new locations and partners for major events such as our 9/11 Day of service and expansion plans with our Food as Medicine that will look to include every hospital in the SSM network – we are humbled by the opportunity to support our community in new and innovative ways.

To commemorate the close of another successful year, our activities committee held a “New Year’s Eve” celebration on Friday, June 30th, complete with food, games and activities for all to enjoy. We also presented all of our team members with our new shirt that will lead us into this new fiscal year.

This simple statement, “This is my Changing Lives Shirt” is powerful because it truly epitomizes the impact and story of who we are and what we have the opportunity to do, each and every day. We are honored to support and serve our region, and know that while much work has been done, there is still much more to do. We look forward to the year ahead, and the many opportunities that we will have to work hard, connect with our community, create new partnerships and change lives across the bi-state region.

To all of our staff, board, volunteers, donors, partners and advocates – we thank you. For your trust, your support, your enthusiasm and your commitment to the St. Louis Area Foodbank and our vision of a nutritionally secure Missouri and Illinois. We know that with your continued support and partnership – we will be able to build a stronger bi-state region by nourishing people, empowering communities and transforming systems.

To find out how YOU can join us please visit: https://stlfoodbank.org/give-help/ and help join the amazing network of people across the region that are truly changing lives each and every day!


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