Call Congress About Food Donation Tax Deductions

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There are only a few days left for Congress to finish their work for the year, and we have an important opportunity to pass tax legislation that would bring billions of meals into our network.

Right now, Congress is working on a tax package that would renew or make permanent several expiring tax provisions.  We need your voice to make sure the food donation tax deduction is included in that final package.

We are joining nonprofits from around the country and calling Congress today to convince them to expand and make permanent the food donation tax deduction and other charitable tax incentives.  Will you join us?

Call Congress Today!
Calling Congress is easy.  Here’s how:

  1. Just dial our toll free number, (888) 398-8702, listen to the pre-recorded message and enter your zip code when prompted.
  2. Once you are connected to your first senator, state that you are a constituent, and give your name and the town you are calling from.
  3. Let them know you are calling about tax policy and deliver this important message:

As your constituent and supporter/employee of the St. Louis Area Foodbank, I am calling you to urge you to include the America Gives More Act charitable tax incentives in the final tax package currently being negotiated in Congress.  Feeding America food banks are providing food for 46.5 million Americans a year and need more food to meet the need.  At the same time, over 70 billion pounds of food are wasted each year here in America.  You can help us get more food to those in need by passing charitable giving tax incentives immediately.

Be sure to dial back in and speak with both of your senators and your representative.

Thank you for taking the time to support the St. Louis Area Foodbank!


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