Arnold Food Pantry

Since 1983 Arnold Food Pantry has been providing much-needed food to residents of this northern Jefferson County community. And it’s been relying on St. Louis Area Foodbank and others for much-needed food as well as monetary donations to help keep people fed.

Tom has been volunteering at Arnold Food Pantry every single day (except for those two days per year the pantry is closed) for about three years.

The volunteers and staff at Arnold Food Pantry are so dedicated to their cause, they are only closed twice a year — on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

In just the past two years, they have received nearly 2 million pounds of food from St. Louis Area Foodbank. That’s enough to provide more than 1.5 million meals to the community. Arnold Food Pantry has been a St. Louis Area Foodbank partner agency since October 2014. They receive regular food distributions from the Foodbank as well as support through grants and supplies like food safety thermometers and a freezer for food storage.

Executive Director, Ed Fitzhenry, said the partnership Arnold Food Pantry has with St. Louis Area Foodbank is critically important. He said that he’s “come to appreciate what the St. Louis [Area] Foodbank does” for their pantry and others and how responsive the Foodbank is when he has a request.

Arnold Food Pantry is one of more than 560 food pantries St. Louis Area Foodbank is proud to partner with throughout the 14 Missouri and 12 Illinois counties we serve. As of May 15, 2020, we have already provided 8,236,390  pounds of food to our partners.


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