Above and Beyond

Saint Louis Priory School students Danny Martin and Charlie Rapp prepare a CSFP box at the St. Louis Area Foodbank
Saint Louis Priory School students Danny Martin and Charlie Rapp prepare a CSFP box at the St. Louis Area Foodbank / Photo by Ryan Farmer

“They’re extraordinary. They’re unlike any two young men that I’ve ever worked with before.” That’s how St. Louis Area Foodbank Volunteer Coordinator William Amos describesSaint Louis Priory School students, Danny Martin and Charlie Rapp. “They always go above and beyond.”

Priory requires their students to complete 40 hours of community service between their junior and senior years, but Danny and Charlie surpassed that amount months ago. They continue to come out to the Foodbank because they like the experience.

Danny and Charlie love volunteering so much, they often take on projects at the Foodbank that others might shy away from. They like being personally involved in helping to solve the problem.

Danny summed it up by saying, “It’s really hard to put into words.  There really is nothing like volunteering at the Foodbank.”





Ryan Farmer



Ryan Farmer is the communications manager at the St. Louis Area Foodbank


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